Protein Feed.
Distillers dried grains with soluble (DDGS) is the dried residue remaining after the starch fraction of maize is fermented with yeasts to produce ethanol. Following fermentation, the ethanol is removed by distillation and the remaining fermentation residues are dried.
Typical Analysis
– Dry Matter 90%
– Energy (ME) 13MJ/KgDM
– Crude Protein 28%
– NDF 30%
– Crude Fibre 5.5%
Note: Typical analysis only, not specification.
Use And Application
The benefits of DDGS are best captured in a balanced feed ration. Inclusion rates depend upon achieving a nutritional balance, but typically up to 20% of daily DM- intake will maximise performance. DDGS can be fed mixed with silage in the paddock or on the feed pad.
Storage And Handling
Store in bulk bins or place on cement slabs away from vermin and protected from the weather. Generally, DDGS will contain average to low moisture levels. When properly stored, the quality of DDGS will be maintained.
These feeding recommendations are to be used as a guide only. Readers should not rely on these guidelines in making specific feeding decisions but should consult an appropriate nutritionist for specific total dietary approach recommendations. BHL Feeds Ltd makes no warranties that these recommendations are suitable for any particular herd or for any particular animal. BHL Feeds Ltd disclaims any liability for any problems encountered in the use of these recommendations.
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